~thursday 12th december~ ~Last days~
Manon and I met at the FabLab to finalize our project.
Today the goal was to make the Arduino part work, last time did not went the best so we needed to catch up We did in final sucess to program with our computers and we have so now our new code that when we buzzing our button it is producing a sound.
the code:
// Définir la broche utilisée pour le buzzer
const int pinBuzzer = 8;
void setup() {
// Initialiser la communication série pour envoyer des messages au PC
// Configurer la broche du buzzer en sortie
pinMode(pinBuzzer, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Activer le buzzer
digitalWrite(pinBuzzer, HIGH);
Serial.println("Le buzzer devrait émettre un son !");
delay(500); // Jouer le son pendant 500 millisecondes
// Désactiver le buzzer
digitalWrite(pinBuzzer, LOW);
Serial.println("Le buzzer est silencieux.");
delay(500); // Pause avant le prochain son
However the code is working it does produce an horrible noise, like a strident sound. Then we decide to do research about how to change the sound produce on arduino and do it next time.
Moreover, we did solder again the wires, needed a parralel circuit so we dedoubled our wires like here:

Then we faced some trouble using Arduino and JoyToKey at the same time, the buzzer coudl not stopped the sound after we plugged it to JoyToKey too. In fact it was a problem about the type of current we had in JoyToKey. We plugged it in a continuous current and not an analogic current. (the one that was need). But now it is okay our button board had to ype of current so it is perfect.

Next time we meet we will do the change of sound in arduino !
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