
Waiting for PCBs

A project log for OpenSpand ZX81 expansion

OpenSpand is a ZX81 expansion cartridge based on an RP2350B chip. Like a ZXpand+ with extended functionality.

adamklotblixtadam.klotblixt 12/11/2024 at 12:460 Comments

I've been testing this project on bread board and later on vero-board. A few days ago I fulfilled an order for the first PCB prototypes. contacted me a few months ago, wanting to sponsor a prototype round and this was the perfect opportunity to test them out.

The schematic and PCB layout was done in KiCad 8, which is starting to feel a bit more familiar each time I use it. A much better experience compared to the rather expensive DOS-based software I used 25+ years ago!

Today I got an SMS saying the transportation has begun, so the boards are produced and on their way to me. Hooray!

Ordering the boards was quite pain free, just making a compressed package with all the production files and uploading to their site.

The deal with sponsoring this was made with the promise that I would document my experience, so I will write more posts about my experiences here as everything develops.
