
OpenSpand v0.1.0

A project log for OpenSpand ZX81 expansion

OpenSpand is a ZX81 expansion cartridge based on an RP2350B chip. Like a ZXpand+ with extended functionality.

adamklotblixtadam.klotblixt 3 days ago0 Comments

The new revision of the card works after some troubleshooting and a patch. All the tested new features actually work the way we intended, but there is still some testing to complete.

There are SO many features that could be done in both HW and SW, it's hard to decide what to do and what to postpone or scrap. Good to have a colleague to discuss with, but we always end up getting new ideas :)

The RTC module gave me trouble, it might work OK with the specified LIR2032 rechargeable cell, but it does not work without it or with a CR2032 cell. I found a forum thread with a work-around with a solution that removes 4 components and adds a bridge. Now everything works as expected for me, even with a CR2032 cell.

Yes, there is now a pass-thorough.
