

A project log for Crack the code and Simon says game

We put Crack the code game and upgraded verson of Simon says together in a cube.

in-young-jangIn young Jang 12/14/2024 at 01:000 Comments

 Hardware Modifications 

We have changed our screen to LCD Module 2004A as you can see above. The screen dimensions  were larger than we had anticipated, so we needed to resize the 3D-printed enclosure. 

Also we recontroled  the operation of 3D printer to prevent critical small components from being laser-cut during printing.  

What we missed from our maze part was how a player can submit the result of 'Simon says-Maze game' to the server. We finally designed a system to ensure that players could press a button installed on the destination points after navigating the maze, following the instructions given by the Server. 

While navigating the maze, the player should not accidentally press the button because that way, a wrong result could be reported. So the we need a ideal lever that can be pressed only when a user wants and be moved functionally along the maze. The photo above is a prototype of the lever.

We finally invented a lever accompanied with a spring to be pressed as you can see below. The lever was made by sharpening the chopstick in the middle to insect and fix the spring.
