
Real-Time BLE Proximity-Based LED Blinking

In this example, we focus on monitoring the RSSI of a specific BLE device and controlling the LED blink rate of BleuIO based on proximity

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In this example, we focus on monitoring the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) of a specific BLE device and controlling the LED blinking rate of BleuIO based on proximity. The closer the device, the faster the blinking rate. The script also ensures clean termination, turning off the LED when the program exits.

This tutorial uses the BleuIO Python library to showcase a practical use case. However, the concepts can be implemented in any programming language.

Scan for BLE devices: Identify the target device using its MAC address.
Read RSSI values: Fetch real-time signal strength data.
Control LED: Adjust the blinking rate based on proximity:
Very Close: Fast blinking.
Close: Moderate blinking.
Far: Slow blinking.
Very Far: Very slow blinking.

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