
Smart Fight Ball (Box Ball) game based on ESP8266.

BitBall (“Fight Ball”) is a portable 3D-printable reflex trainer for athletes and martial arts enthusiasts. Open-source, easy to assemble!

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“Fight Ball” is a unique tool for training coordination and reflexes, which you can 3D print yourself. This project was designed for athletes, martial arts enthusiasts, and anyone looking to improve their agility and precision. With its easy-to-assemble and portable design, Fight Ball is perfect for training at home, in the gym, or outdoors.

The project is open source, you can build it yourself!

👉 GitHub Repository:

👉 Youtube Video:

Key Features:

1. Hit Tracking: Integrated sensors accurately count each hit.

2. Force Measurement: Analyze your performance with real-time hit force calculations.

3. Wi-Fi Enabled: Save training results in the cloud and compete online via

4. Customizable Settings: Adjust training durations and other parameters for tailored sessions.

5. Feedback System: Get instant audio or visual feedback to stay motivated.

6. Online Competitions: Compare results with players worldwide and join real-time tournaments.


Interactive Training: Automatic tracking and real-time feedback make practice more engaging.

Global Competitions: Train and compete with others around the world for added excitement.

Convenient and Portable: Use it at home, in the gym, or outdoors.

This isn’t just an elastic ball—it’s a smart device that transforms reaction training into a data-driven, goal-oriented experience.

  • 1 × Tennis Training Ball with Elastic String (You specifically need a tennis ball. Fight Ball balls are not suitable as they are either too light.)
  • 1 × Flashlight Headband Head Strap 18650 (You need a headband with a mount for a power bank)
  • 1 × Weight Sensors + HX711
  • 1 × Wemos MINI

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