
Fliphex - 3D Printed Flip Dots

My quest to mass produce flip dots economically using PCBs and 3D printing

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I've always been enamored with flip dot displays. Something about their electromechanical nature, bridging the divide between electric theory and real world movement and application draws me to them. Unfortunately, you cannot easily acquire them here in the US. AFAIK, there is only one manufacturer in the world currently, Alfazeta, and they do not come cheap. My goal with this project is to design flip dots that are manufacturable at a reasonable cost using tools available to the everyday maker (PLA 3D printer and JLCPCB). And, of course, because hexagons are the bestagons, why not make things interesting and have them be a unique shape!

The display I'm looking to make is 0.7m * 1.2m, and I will be trying to keep the cost below ~$250. The quote is still out, but I imagine if I were to buy one from Alfazeta it would be an order of magnitude more expensive.

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