
Temperature Measurements Actively Being Recorded

A project log for EnviroPi Temp Monitor

Combining a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH computer with an Adafruit MCP9808 temperature sensor.

bret-bernhoftBret Bernhoft 01/28/2025 at 02:330 Comments

After a couple hours of work, to my great delight and relative astonishment, the Adafruit MCP9808 sensor has been successfully connected to the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH computer. The contraption is actively measuring ambient temperatures once per second, and storing said data in a common, local CSV file.

I will run this experiment for roughly two or three weeks. Afterwards, I will export and visualize the information using D3; my favorite data graphing JavaScript library. In the meantime this "EnviroPi Temp Monitor" project needs to be clearly organized, including the addition of Python scripts and instructions on how to replicate.

To keep things interesting, I am dreaming up my next project. But that is fun for another time. Let's stay (mostly) focused on what is already in front of us. There is still a bit more to do here.
