
Ending Data Collection After Thirty Three Days

A project log for EnviroPi Temp Monitor

Combining a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH computer with an Adafruit MCP9808 temperature sensor.

bret-bernhoftBret Bernhoft 03/01/2025 at 01:470 Comments

After thirty three days of collecting temperature readings, I have turned off the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH computer. And I will no longer be gathering data for this experiment. As I feel I have enough information to work with towards completion.

The final CSV file is 78 MB in size, which means the program collected 2.363 MB of data each day. The same CSV file contains 2.75 million measurements, or one for each second between January 27th, 2025 and February 28th, 2025. That is quite a lot from my perspective.

Looking back on this self-quantification experiment, I am able to see how much I have learned since the beginning. I can also see where overcoming my trepidation about building electronics has now paid off. Documenting the process on Hackaday has been eye opening for me.

But there are still more details to explore before I walk away from this project. I would like to add a couple more steps to the EnviroPi Temp Monitor page. As well as expand on the details section for other newcomers who may be interested in building this project for themselves.
