
A project log for Breadapult

3 servos. 1 arm. Infinite destructive ability.

kate-mygushchenkoKate Mygushchenko 9 hours ago0 Comments

The most important thing? CONSTRUCTION. And guess what? We’re almost DONE. 🎉

🪵 We glued the wooden and 3D printed parts together like a DIY dream.
🛠️ We drilled holes and locked the arm between two support blocks.
🤖 We attached TWO servos for rotation and launch power—because what’s a catapult arm without some motion?

Now, just one final touch—connecting the second servo with a spring—and then… TESTING TIME. Get ready for action!

 K’glue’ate, Nik’bolt’steady, Em’torque’ily. Lock it in and send it! 
