When I first got my T-Beam LoRa/Meshtastic radio I couldn't find a case that I really loved. They all had one problem or another: too flimsy, not enough mounting options, or just hard to print with thin walls and huge overhangs. So like any completely reasonable person I set to work designing my own, and this is the result.
Feature 1: Mounting options
There are 9 variants with different mounting hardware, from simple loops to slots that are compatible with MOLLE webbing. Each of the variants has a short description in the files section here on hackaday.io. The OpenSCAD file also makes it (fairly) easy to design a custom mounting pattern to fit your own needs.

Feature 2: Antenna options
There are three variants for the antenna: the basic version, a variant with a fin to provide some protection to the antenna, and a variant that uses a right-angle SMA adapter to change the direction of the antenna.

Printing & Assembly
The STL files are all designed to be printed flat without overhangs and without need for any support. It's designed for a 0.4mm nozzle, and most walls are a multiple of this