
JASPER: Peltier cooler for lasers

Peltier cooler for lasers used in FTIR and Raman spectrometers, maintaining temperature and wavelength stability for optimal performance

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In the world of precision laser applications, maintaining optimal operating temperatures is crucial. Our latest project focuses on developing a Peltier cooler for Diode-Pumped Solid-State (DPSS) lasers, which require a stable temperature range of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius for optimal performance.

TEC controllers employ mostly a buck-boost regulator to control bi-directional current and need a digital PID controller to ensure the temperature is stabilized within a short span with minimal ringing and overshoot. We will be developing a GUI to help set the required temperature, tune the PID parameters, and visualize the way the temperature stabilizes.

The Peltier element, the heat sink, and the thermodynamics are critical in the design. We are in the learning stage and, as we progress, we hope to find the optimal solution.

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