
Taking it apart...

A project log for Another Mini Reflow Oven

Building a reflow oven from KMarts Mini Oven $35AU Appliance

paul-j-rPaul J R 02/16/2025 at 02:500 Comments

Taking it apart has been fun, the outside case was held together with screws, but the internals are largely held together with bend tabs (which break easy). The only part I really want to take off that has the build tabs is where the timer is. Looks like a perfect place for some of the electronics.

Eventually got the timer out and thankfully didnt really have to bend too many bend tabs, most of the electrics connect with spade lugs, but for some reason they soldered one of the spade lugs on the timer.

But, I was going to crimp on some new lugs anyway so it didnt matter a whole lot

And an SSR fits nicely on the inside of the timer cover

The cavity here seems a decent size, even still i'll be putting the electronics on the outside just on the front of this timer cover. Probably with some thermal shielding because the wall of the oven is thin piece of tin just on the other side.
