The system is composed by  a network of microcontrollers with a central hub each microcontroller is in charge of detecting specific UAV parameters like voltages, temperatures, air data and so on, converting them in meaningful data for the UAV aiworthiness.
These data are then sent to the system central hub that takes the data, record them in a SD card providing a UAV black box, and send them both to a ground station and to the pilot radio transmitter providing a complete telemetry system  (this telemetry has been now developed for FrSky based system).
The ground station is a simple USB pluggable device that once connected to a standalone application (developed with Matlab AppDesigner) designed to work as a full real time cockpit.
Furthermore, another standalone application has been developed, this time to analyze the data recorded in the model black box, showing flight statistic and eventual fault that have been occurred along the flight.