
Bluetooth Smart Backpack System

Customizable Bluetooth Smart Backpack that tracks contents of bag to ensure no essential items are forgotten on the go.

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This project is a system designed to help you never leave behind important items again. Whether you're a student or in the workforce, this project solves the eternal struggle of leaving something of importance behind, especially when you need it the most.

This project combines Bluetooth technology using BLE tags with a custom mobile app using Blynk to track essential belongings in your backpack. Users simply attach BLE tags to items of importance, select the tags they want in their bag, and finally leave their home; if they don't receive a notification within a certain distance from their home, or they want to check for themselves with the push of a button, they can easily know or be reminded of any left behind items.


Anyone who has ever had anywhere to be whether it was for school, work, or even a fancy date night always have things they need to bring with them. For me, as a college student, this is primarily shown in my classes and having to carry around a backpack full of essential items I need on a daily basis. However, no one is perfect; There are days where I do leave these essential items behind and although it could be only once a week or as insignificant as my lab goggles, these mistakes heavily affect me as I'm forced to walk back to my dorm becoming late for my classes.


If these mistakes are inevitable due to unsolvable human error, then I've decided to take it upon myself to design a system that will notify you if you leave any items of significance behind when you leave your home. 


The Bluetooth Smart Backpack System is a device that will take into account any items you want it to. This way, when you leave your home, (or press a button) it will scan for any items inside the bag that should be there and if it finds that there are any missing, it will notify you immediately.


  • ESP32 
  • BLE tags
  • Blynk App
  • Portable Power Bank

  • Phase 1: Plan and Design

    Robert Ferrara15 hours ago 0 comments


    • Identify Key Project Goals
    • Choose Components
    • Planning out Blynk app interface
    • Sketching System Layout

    Key Project Goals

    The Final Backpack System Should Check All of these Boxes:

    1. Detect BLE tags attached to essential items
    2. Allow user to select which items (tags) they want in their bag at present time
    3. Detect if items are missing from 2 actions:
      1. If user presses a button it scans all tags wanted
      2. If user becomes too far away from the dorm it scans for all tags wanted
    4. Send a notification to the Blynk app whether or not any items are missing
      1. Display which items are missing
    5. Be compact and battery efficient for daily use
      1. Easy access to charging or replacing battery

    Hardware Selection

    ESP32 - Main Controller with Bluetooth and WIFI support

    BLE tags 

    3.7V 2500mAh LiPo Battery

    TP4056 Power Board - recharging of battery and stable voltage output to ESP32

    MT3608 DC-DC Boost - for supplying a stable 5V to the ESP32

    1N5819 Schottky Diode - prevent any harmful backflow when battery drops voltage

    Blynk App Interface

    The final Blynk App will include:

    1. Item List interface
      1. A list of all known BLE tags with a checkbox
      2. The Ability to rename tags

      2. Scanning and Notifying

            a. A scan button that scans for missing tags

            b. Automatic notifications if an item is left behind

      3. Ability to add new close-by tags to app

    System Layout

    In Progress

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