Anyone who has ever had anywhere to be whether it was for school, work, or even a fancy date night always have things they need to bring with them. For me, as a college student, this is primarily shown in my classes and having to carry around a backpack full of essential items I need on a daily basis. However, no one is perfect; There are days where I do leave these essential items behind and although it could be only once a week or as insignificant as my lab goggles, these mistakes heavily affect me as I'm forced to walk back to my dorm becoming late for my classes.
If these mistakes are inevitable due to unsolvable human error, then I've decided to take it upon myself to design a system that will notify you if you leave any items of significance behind when you leave your home.
The Bluetooth Smart Backpack System is a device that will take into account any items you want it to. This way, when you leave your home, (or press a button) it will scan for any items inside the bag that should be there and if it finds that there are any missing, it will notify you immediately.
- ESP32
- BLE tags
- Blynk App
- Portable Power Bank