this project came about when i decided to try and build a gameboy advance with a pi zero in there. all the ili9341 screens you can buy have the connections on the end, which both get in the way, and stop you trimming them down!!
so i decided to make a better board for these screens, and while i was at it, i thought i may as well tack the Pi on the back too!!
the device could actually be used for anything. the 8 mounting points are drilled to make it easier to remove them if they are no needed, thus adding flexability.
the pins at the bottom of the board allow access to the 22 x unused gpio ports, 4 x 5v pins (in or out), 4 x 3.3v pins, and 8 x gnd pins (ignore the spare wire, thats to fix a fault in the board ;) )
It's currently manual solder. Tin the board, flux the pads then solder through from the top. You get the odd bad joint but it's normally easy to fix. I have pondered solder paste and hot air, but my worry is floating the pi processor off its balls
My hot-air is Atten 858D and works just fine for occasional low-volume jobs and hobby work. You can order it from usual Asian sources for price as low as 35-40USD, just enter "858d hot air" into aliexpress search. Years ago I bought it locally for 38EUR and works with no problems whatsoever.
If you are worried about the CPU, you can cover it with something, Kapton tape is common for this task, I love to use aluminum adhesive tape. Just cover parts that are sensitive to heat and you can apply hot air as needed. I use this technique to shield thermoplastic connectors when doing rework on populated boards.
Hi, awesome project. Can I ask what resolution is this screen and do you have link, so I can buy some? Many thanks.