Using an Arduino, your Mac can receive IR remote signals. Using any TV or stereo remote, you can send those signals. And with your Mac, you can respond to those signals however you like. Press keyboard buttons, run scripts, do anything to can do in Terminal.
Fabricated PCB
The Fritzing file can be found in the Gothub repo
I got my fabricated PCB back from Fritzing and, luckily, I had all the parts to build it right away. It was all pretty straight forward.
I learned that the Tiny has to have the 8MHz, no internal oscillator boot loader burned too it (That was a bit of a waste of time).
I think I need to rearrange the PCB so it faces the correct way when plugged into a computer.
Other than that, everything is going smoothly. The next things to do are to design a case (Of course I'll 3d print it) and to get a simpler interface for adding commands.