

a tiny open hardware flight controller for quadcopters with integrated FrSky compatible receiver

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This is my approach to probably the smallest and lightest STM32F3 based flight controller with an integrated FrSky compatible receiver so far — tinyFISH FC.
Even though this flight controller is tiny it includes a lot of features you will rarely find on bigger FCs yet. And the best part: it weights only 1.7grams.

16x16mm hole to hole spacing (20x20mm outer dimension)
integrated FrSky compatible SBUS receiver (basically an integrated uSKY rx)
MPU-6000 SPI gyro
supports DSHOT
integrated Blackbox dataflash
integrated voltage- and current-sensor
buzzer output
rgb led output
open hardware
(optional) add on PCB for quad brushed support

And the best: This is completely open source and open hardware! This FC will run the opensource flight control software betaflight, the opensource receiver firmware Opensky, and all hardware design files are open source as well!

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Avi Cohen wrote 12/10/2019 at 15:49 point

Dear Simon,

I love your projects, they inspire me to try make my own design
I am having a hard time asking question on your forum so I'm asking here. 

I have a few short questions
1) Is there a PDF version of the tinyPEPPER2 schematics, the Kicad file doesn't seem to open with all the components for me, something to do with the Lib files

2) What limits the tinyPEPPER2 to only 2S LiPo's, I see that the BC847BTT1G is rated to 40V and the Nch+Pch MOSFET are rated to 20V.

3) in the schematics I see you reference the UT6MA3TCR 20V Nch+Pch MOSFET but in the BOM you reference the PMCPB5530X 20V N/P MOSFET, what do you suggest to use?

 Thank you for all your hard work


  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 04/23/2017 at 11:49 point

great idea to incorporate the receiver, and less than two grams? Nicely done

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Richard Hogben wrote 03/20/2017 at 22:50 point

Cool! Is that tx3 pad for telemetry or sbus?

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