
Version 1.0

A project log for BreatheDot: A Portable Meditation Aid

A small battery-powered meditation aid to keep you focused and refreshed wherever you go. - Available on Tindie!

ben-limBen Lim 03/29/2017 at 01:381 Comment

After a few iterations the current version works. A battery stress test is being run to get an idea of the average battery life that this device will produce. Anticipated usage is about 15 minutes (personally I use it for about 4 cycles, which is 1 minute), so if the battery is able to last 8 hours this will give the device about 32 uses before the battery is flat.

  1. A month of hard use
  2. 15 months of light usage.

Future improvements will include diagrams on the board. Possibly an AUM in honor of this practice's origins.


Ben Lim wrote 03/30/2017 at 14:00 point

The current run time is 19 hours with one break in between. This means that it will last up to a year of light usage, or 2 months of normal usage. The light is still blinking/fading.

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