Version 1:
0.5-5.5V power input to be able to run on many kind of batteries using TPS61201.
2.54mm pinout of GPIO spaced so it will be easy to put the devboard on a breadboard.
Pullup/down resistors attached for boot, deepsleep, chip enable.
Deepsleep output prewired to reset
ADC connected to a voltage divider from the battery.
Version 2:
- USB2serial CP2104 with nodemcu based auto reboot to programming mode, power only from USB and not from the battery.
- Smaller then V1. Compatible with breadboard with the outer most holes free for cables and components.
- LiPo charging (so you can use your old nokia batteries to power your things)
- TPS61201 3.3V regulator with config pins exposed using solder jumper for settings.
- Disconnetable ADC measurement of battery for no power use in the voltage divider when not used.