

The Future of Low Impact Fitness

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Up-Ride is a technology to provide different kinds of low impact fitness. There are three versions that have been built: a dual spin/elliptical piece of exercise equipment, a dual stationary bike trainer/elliptical stand and an outdoor rideable bicycle to elliptical conversion kit. In elliptical mode Up-Ride allows you to convert the seated circular peddling of biking into standing elliptical striding (running). Welcome to the evolution of the revolution.

Up-Ride has gone through multiple iterations and refinements to become the ready for beta testing product documented here. Up-Ride started with the premise of elliptical as an accessory instead of the purchase of a standalone machine. This approach has several advantages compared to traditional elliptical offerings. Up-Ride facilitates 3 additional capacities to your normal bicycle, stationary bicycle, stationary elliptical, and mobile elliptical. These allow to get exercise in the way you want, where you want. Since Up-Ride is not a big bulky machine the approach is cost cutting (lower part count and simpler construction create savings) and much more easily stored or transported in home or via car. Up-Ride is my solution to low impact fitness.

Up-Ride was originally conceived to help me train for long distance racing. I have a kind of juvenile arthritis related to an autoimmune disease I have and find exercise challenging due to the impact stress involved. I knew about indoor and outdoor rideable elliptical as a cycling/triathlon enthusiast but these options were outside my reach financially. I bought a knock off outdoor elliptical from ebay that was not good quality. I looked at this large machine and my bicycle and the lightbulb went off that elliptical could be a bicycle accessory. After several iterations we are almost done tweaking the design. I will document the process here on hackaday.

This product has several markets that are pretty clear through looking at current market participation. Injured athletes have been the primary target of my competitors in the outdoor elliptical space. Runners especially suffer injuries rates cited by some as high as 80% per year for those that run regular distance. 4 season athletes also find the indoor outdoor capability appealing as it compliments their lifestyle. Baby boomers are a huge potential market. As they age they are dropping off of high impact physical activity. Up-Ride is perfectly positioned as the affordable low impact fitness alternative to allow them to stay fit and active. The other large potential market is the suburban family that currently spends on gym membership but would rather have the convenience of home fitness without the expense so they can redirect the fitness money they spend more towards their family. Up-Ride enables people to get the fitness they need. Upgrade your life with Up-Ride!

  • 2 × Architectual aluminum channel
  • 2 × Rocker Arm
  • 1 × Rear Axle
  • 2 × Reciprocating Axles
  • 2 × Foot Block

View all 12 components

  • Kickstarter and General build update

    Joseph Prosnitz08/16/2017 at 21:26 0 comments

    We launched a kickstarter to do a small beta run ( takes you to the kickstarter). Things have been hectic but documentation will be updated by end of week. We are looking to change the clamping solution securing the bike. There are also alot of cost reductions possible. Right now COGS for 50 units is at roughly 400$ (this includes powder coating and assembly but not box or shipping). 

  • Kickstarter will be this month

    Joseph Prosnitz08/01/2017 at 19:25 0 comments

    More information to follow

  • Documentation takes Forever

    Joseph Prosnitz06/23/2017 at 20:19 0 comments

    We are finalizing the outdoor design. Hopefully start of next week I will post the prints and better assembly instructions. Right now the outdoor stride length is between 14.5 and 24 inches. Steering is acceptable. Part count and process of manufacture still have some optimization needed.

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Some general notes on build / build preamble

    don't sue me please

    the current design assumes you have the ability to either order lasered bent metal parts or that you can fab and or bend them yourself. Other than these parts almost the entire assembly is nuts and boltswith some drilling and tapping of fairly standard metal stock. There is a bit of welding but there are ways around that if you don't have a welder (though I used a lousy harbor freight special flux core wire welder for some of the proof of concept).

  • 2
    Step 2

    Buying the off the shelf components isn't too bad. I will be providing a list of what I bought from mcmaster carr. They are pretty nice over there but a bit pricy. The aluminum channel (architectual channel with sharp profile on inside) was bought via ebay. The delrin bearings were lathed but this can probably be gotten around. The only 3d printed component at this time is the stationary roller. The only thing other than the bearings that is fairly custom are the chainstay hooks for the stationary design. The design of which is still being worked on.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Once you have all the parts for either the outdoor or indoor assembly it is mostly just assemble in the order that suits you. I think doing the handlebar extensions last made most sense to me. The rear triangle for the outdoor is the largest metal component by volume and so putting that at the center of your assembly setup and building around it can be helpful. I know I should make these instrucitons more elaborate but I am going to update through out the month. Sorry to cut it short but I need to sleep to do a proper rebuild of Up-Ride tommorow.

View all 3 instructions

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