
ESP8266 No-Neutral Wire, Wireless Wall Switch

Battery powered, ESP8266 based Wireless Wall Switch

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So I have a bunch of sonoff' in controlling my lights. I can't, however, make my wall switches smart without a neutral wire in the switchbox. This project aims to controll sonoff smart switches from a battery powered wall switch. Currently this is mostly an experiment. Also this project is the first time I've actually had some professional PCB's made. Further improvements are: Adding regulated power, Led feedback, smooth & finished design.
  • 1 × ESP8266 ESP-01 Module
  • 1 × 2xAA battery holder
  • 1 × Blank switch cover plate
  • 1 × Push button

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firdoshdiakus26 wrote 02/16/2023 at 07:25 point

useless no info

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