
Talk is cheap

A project log for Ugly USB

After the Good and the Bad here you are the Ugly USB!

danjovicdanjovic 04/21/2017 at 13:190 Comments

Talk is cheap, show me some code...

Here it is, the skeleton of the interpreter

// Ugly Token Player
while ( (EEprom_Addr < FLASH_SIZE) && !End_of_Script )  {
    c = Ext_EEpromRead( EEprom_Addr);
    switch (c) {
        case 0xff:    
            !End_of_Script = TRUE ; break;
        case 0x00:    // end of command
            Last_EEprom_Addr = EEprom_Addr; break;             // save this address for
                                                               // eveventual return
        case 0xA5: // Set Default Delay    
            Default_Delay = Ext_EEpromRead16 (EEprom_Addr +1); // read value
            if (Default_Delay==0)                              // check range
                Default_Delay = INIT_DEFAULT_DELAY;            //
            //Last_EEprom_Addr = EEprom_Addr;                    // advance address
            EEprom_Addr +=2;                                   //

        case 0xA6: // Delay
            Time_to_Delay = Ext_EEpromRead16 (EEprom_Addr +1);
            if (Time_to_Delay==0)                              // check range
                Time_to_Delay = INIT_DEFAULT_DELAY;            //
            //Last_EEprom_Addr = EEprom_Addr;                    // advance address
            EEprom_Addr +=2;                                   //            

        case 0xA7: // Replay last command
            if (Replaying) {
                EEprom_Addr = Last_EEprom_Addr;
                if (Replay_Counter ==0) {  // replay is over!
                    EEprom_Addr += 3 ; // skip to the next command
                    Replaying = RALSE;
            } else {
                Replaying = TRUE;
                Replay_Counter = Ext_EEpromRead16 (EEprom_Addr +1);
                if (Replay_Counter==0)                              // check range
                    Replay_Counter = 1;            //
                EEprom_Addr = Last_EEprom_Addr;                    // rewind address                
        case 0xA8: // Hold Shift
             0xA9: // Hold ALT
             0xAA: // Hold CONTROL
             0xAB: // Hold GUI
            Hold_Next_Key = 1; break ;                         // Just hold the next key
        default:  // Send the character

        if (Hold_Next_Key)                                     // If next key should remain hold
            Hold_Next_Key = 0;                                 // then do nothing
        else {                                                 //
            digiKeyboard.sendKeyPress(0);                      // otherwise, send a release of
            digiKeyboard.delay(Default_Delay);                   // all key presses
        EEprom_Addr++;                                         // advance to the next character
for (;;);  // do nothing after playing the script
