This Project is mainly based in the creation of an automation system of control and monitored for a mushroom planting with objective to obtain a better production in this, reducing costs and improving quality. This idea started since a level world the mushroom demand is high and actually doen’t exist many countries that produced and export this type of food, principally the big exporters are EEUU, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Poland, Bhután and the Democratic Republic of Korea highlighting thus that in Latin America doesn’t exists any big productor of mushrooms.
One of the most consumers of mushrooms a worldwide level is the Central Africa Region and this is due that is demonstrate that the mushrooms has a high level of mineral salts, vitamins and minerals that are very important to the human alimentation. It’s know that 1 kilogram of mushrooms can be equivalent to a 1 kilogram of meat for their nutrients, therefore, in Central Africa are consumed elevated quantities of mushrooms and even more in periods of the year that the crop are very low and suffers shortage of aliments. Given this problem and how profitable can be made the sale of mushrooms worldwide is raised the creation of the system of automation that control and monitored at real time the mushrooms cultivation with the final purpose to maintain the most important variables in the stablish ranges to this crop, since is a cultivation more complicates beacuse the parameters of this are very volatile. Also, it’s comprobate by many studies that this food could be cultivated keeping and copying their necessary ambientals conditions for their develop.
Among the most important variables to consider in this type of crop are:
- Levels of in the cultivation ambient: This is very important because the highest level concentrations of in the cultivation ambient can be brake the evolution of mycelium of the mushrooms and stop their fructification. It is proposed to control this variable using an MG-811 sensor.
- Relative Humidity of ambient: The fresh mushroom has approximately 90% of water, therefore, it follows that the mushrooms can lose weight very quickly if the relative humidity is below 90%. The control of this variable does with a DHT-22 sensor.
- Ambient and compost Temperature: The exact humidity and temperature are the primary keys throughout the production and growth phases of the mushroom. The compost must be moist. But without getting to wet the product. The temperature and humidity must be high during the process of fixing the mushroom when irrigation is not advisable. The control of this variable can be done with LM35 sensor or other DHT-22 sensor and the temperature measurement in the compost does with DS18B20 with their probe.
- Illumination in the interior of the cultive ambient: Although this type of planting does not require a lot of lighting, it is vital to have minimum levels of illumination so that the crop does not die during its evolution process, therefore, the level of illumination of the establishment must be controlled, LDR sensors.
All the system will be Interconnected with a local server or a cloud to send all the important data to this service and so any interested or the personal in charge of this planting can be obtained all the data in real time that it’s happens with the cultivate, as the geographic ubication of this. It is proposed the interconnection of the sensors with the microcontroller to use through to protocols in which highlights the implementation 1 wire protocol to connect the DS18B20 device also to the wireless connection and the send the data it implements a GPRS/GSM SIM800l Module. Finally the whole system will be implemented in a mushroom crop which will be carried out in tray-type plantings, which will be developed in Venezuela, Aragua State, Libertador Municipality where, although the environmental conditions are not given for the cultivation of this mushroom, Must be in ambient temperatures between 8 ° C and 18 ° C with high humidity...
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