
A new enclosure

A project log for HeartyPatch: A single-lead ECG-HR patch with ESP32

HeartyPatch is a fully open-source, IoT connected, BLE enabled heart-rate variability & ECG patch with great accuracy

ashwin-k-whitchurchAshwin K Whitchurch 05/25/2017 at 18:221 Comment

We now have a new enclosure, thanks to Thileepan (

The new enclosure looks better and feels better. Shown below is the same enclosure, 3D printed on a Makerbot Replicator 2.

There's also a circular cut-out for the temperature sensor contact. The same buttons used for the electrode connections are reversed and stuck on the temperature sensor using thermally conductive glue, that is also electrically insulating.

The new enclosure fits snugly with the body and give great electrode contact.

The Sketchup designs and the STL files will be put up on Thingiverse shortly and link will be posted to this page.


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phillipkramer wrote 07/03/2018 at 19:20 point

Is there still a link for this new enclosure?  I searched Thingiverse and the project page here and I can not seem to find it.  I would love to get this update on my hearty patch.

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