
CP2102, you're our only hope...

A project log for LoRaNeT32

WiFi/BLE --> LoRa bridge

morganmorgan 04/20/2017 at 18:3611 Comments

That's how that line goes, right?


as a followup to yesterdays post I ditched the FT2232 in favor of the CP2102. It's like 10,000% easier to implement as it requires very minimal external components. Just a couple caps for power smoothing and some pull resistors. I like that, because I can understand it better.

It also appears to have features to integrate itself into a power management system by notifying a charge circuit of power available (0.5A, 1A, 1.5A). The early bits of research I was doing last night, it appears I should be able to hook this into the SENSE pin on the LT3652.

This change also brings about a significant part count reduction. No longer need a crystal or external EEPROM and needs fewer discrete components to operate. Between these and the price difference between the 2232 and the 2102 it's looking like a price reduction around $5+. Not too shabby.

But I still need help there! Presently I have more people following the project than have 'Skull Liked' it, so if you're reading this right now, and have not already, please give it a Skull and consider checking out my other entries!


K.C. Lee wrote 04/20/2017 at 19:06 point

The $1 EFM8UB1 8-bit microcontroller can also do this.  I used that chip in my charger for that reason.

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morgan wrote 04/20/2017 at 19:13 point

This is a very interesting looking part, I'll dig into this a bit more when I've some time.

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morgan wrote 04/20/2017 at 21:10 point

@K.C. Lee do you have any experience using the ADC on there? At first glance this could replace both the FT2232 and the LT3652 if capable enough.

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K.C. Lee wrote 04/20/2017 at 21:22 point

I have used the ADC, but they are really only 10-bit even after their "12-bit" setting as the LSB is noisy.  There was also DC offset drifting (2-3mV) over time.

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morgan wrote 04/20/2017 at 21:25 point

I see, so even if switching to this part I'd probably want to use in conjuction with a specific solar charge controller.

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K.C. Lee wrote 04/20/2017 at 21:54 point

While it is quite feasible to build a power tracker charger, it'll be a lot less firmware work if you use a charger chip.  I did try to build this except ran out of time, on chip FLASH space for this series was a bit too tight for what I wanted to do.  They have the EFMUB2 with larger FLASH space, but the charger detection wasn't built-in.

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morgan wrote 04/21/2017 at 00:43 point

Might be too big a departure for this project but I'm going to buy some of these for future projects.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/20/2017 at 18:46 point

I already skull'd and followed, which made this log appear in my feed.

And there I learn about the CP2102 being able to advertise its power profile, which is VERY interesting because I have a few of them somewhere and would love to unlock more juice from the USB ports :-D

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morgan wrote 04/20/2017 at 18:53 point

I forgot to note, only the 28 pin package exposes these features. I realized this after I got started. Hopefully this weekend I'll make a new KiCAD lib with the 28 pin version.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/20/2017 at 18:56 point

and with my luck, the cheap chinese modules I have don't have the right version...

At least I'll know next time.

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morgan wrote 04/20/2017 at 19:01 point

I guessed that would be the case, I started designing around the 20 pin version until I realized I wouldn't have that feature. The trade-off of the small package is these feature and better thermal dissipation (if I'm reading the datasheet correctly).

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