

VPlugN is the VPN device that makes protecting your privacy easy for anyone. Just plug it in!

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There are no more rules to prevent your ISP from vacuuming up your browsing data and selling it to the highest bidder. Most of can take some of our privacy into our own hands and encrypt our traffic by using a VPN. At least a VPN company's business is based on trust, the ISPs don't care because their your only option...

Were all hackers here, so setting up your own OpenVPN client is a fun weekend project, and some VPN clients even make it quite easy, but this still may not be for everyone. VPlugN is a solution for everyone else, just plug in the box, and know that you are protected on any device in your house.

The VPlugN would plug in between the router and modem and encrypt all your traffic. It will come with the VPN pre-configured so that all a user has to do is plug in the Ethernet and power for basic use. The VPlugN will have a web configuration for slightly more advanced users, and for the most advanced, the whole thing will be open for anyone to hack on.

The VPlugN is conceptually a simple idea, traffic comes in one side and goes out the other encrypted. If this is placed between the modem and router in a typical household, traffic from all the devices in that house would be covered. If it is pre-configured, it will be really easy to use.

Future Vision

The vision of this project is to create a product that can be sold for $20-$50 (hopefully) with VPN access built right in. I need some help with the network configuration and some web development for the settings page. If you would like to help, leave me a message or post in the comments.

The next step of this product is to use off the shelf boards, like the ODroid, or the Vocore2, add a couple of ports, setup the software, and 3D print a case. This would be good enough to show off in possibly a Kickstarter campaign. With some seed money, we can work on making this into a real product with custom PCBs, chips, and certifications.

Take a look at the pictures to see what I think this would look like. Tiny and inconspicuous, just enough to protect your network from the wilds of the internet...


Although this will be an easy to use, small packaged product in the end doesn't mean it has to be un-hackable. I envision 3 tiers of use.

  1. Plug and Play: Just plug the device in and let it do it's thing. Easy for anyone to use.
  2. Web Settings: Adjust settings, install new certificates, allow certain services to bypass the VPN, and more all in a web site served by the device. This should still be easy to use, but slightly more advanced.
  3. Hack Away: All the code and configurations as well as the schematics will be open and available for anyone to use. If you want to build a VPlugN on hardware you have laying around, this will be possible. You can also re-purpose one of our future purpose built VPlugN boxes for anything you would like.

Hopefully this will give a future product plenty of life and reuse for anyone who knows what they are doing, but still be very useful to any network novices who just want to protect their privacy. Let me know if you can think of any other tiers that could be built into this thing.

  • 1 × Processor Something small and low powered with support for 2 100Gb/s ethernet ports and OpenVPN
  • 2 × Ethernet Plugs Need somthing to plug in.
  • 1 × USB Power Connector USB power for everything!
  • 1 × Case plastic snap together case
  • 1 × PCB and Support Electronics This will be fleshed out as the project progresses

  • Software Tests

    daniel.bryand04/26/2017 at 14:35 0 comments

    My quick prototype is made up of an ODroid C2 with a USB Ethernet adapter (technically, any device that supports Linux and has two Ethernet ports would work, I just had that laying around). I loaded OpenVPN and certificates to my VPN service onto the device and tried setting things up. I am having a bit of trouble with this part (I don't have much experience with networking)...

    I have a setup with one side of the ODroid plugged into the router and the other side plugged into a Raspberry Pi. I was able to bridge the two network devices together without OpenVPN on the ODroid so that the Pi just got an IP address from my router like it was directly plugged in. I then tried to create a OpenVPN bridge with the network device the Pi was plugged into, and the Pi didn't get any IP address.

    I'm going to keep playing with the configuration of OpenVPN and IPTables in Linux, but I don't have much experience with networking. If anyone has any ideas, leave a comment. Also, let me know if you want to join the project, I am looking for partners.

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