
Just released Visuino and Visuino Pro - Graphical Development for Arduino - 8_0_0_72 with Canaduino 500, Arduino Portenta H7, Seeeduino Wio Terminal Support, Faster IDE, and much more...

A project log for Visuino

Graphical Development Environment for Arduino controller type boards

boian-mitovBoian Mitov 04/12/2022 at 16:339 Comments

Just released Visuino and Visuino Pro version 8_0_0_72


Rich text editor

qtron wrote 04/22/2023 at 14:01 point


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qtron wrote 04/22/2023 at 14:01 point
huh, my post disappeared! i'll start again,, i'd like to know if its better than Ardublocks? & am not sure re using a graphical package with no knowledge of programming.. to set up a 'sketch' one needs to know which blocks & when to use them / or not etc. & if the prog involves much more than flashing a LED or Hello World, etc, surely U need the concepts to know how to approach  a proposed solution , .... am sure U know what i mean

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qtron wrote 04/22/2023 at 12:30 point

is it better than ardublocks ?.. it occurs to me its one thing to glue various blocks together and quite another when U need the f/w to do something that U are not sure how to implement in the first place! Having trouble phrasing this, but u probably know what i mean..

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Boian Mitov wrote 04/22/2023 at 14:49 point

It is best to download and try the free version ;-) . Visuino is completely different concept that Ardublocks ;-) . It is a whole different ball game ;-)

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qtron wrote 04/22/2023 at 02:41 point

and the all up real $cost? pls!

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Boian Mitov wrote 04/22/2023 at 04:03 point

There is free version, there is a standard version for $39 and there is a Professional version for $199.

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Boian Mitov wrote 04/22/2023 at 14:48 point

You can use the free version for fair number of projects, so it depends on the complexity of the projects.

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qtron wrote 04/20/2023 at 13:41 point

where is it??

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Boian Mitov wrote 04/22/2023 at 02:35 point

You can download from :-)

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