Just released Visuino 7_8_2_221
- Added option to copy or save the Visuino design as image
- Added Offsets to Acceleration To Angle component
- Added Kuman SM11 Robot Shield
- Added BNO055 component
- Added PCF8523 component
- Added RTC support for EVIVE
- Added Change Only components for all data types
- Added optional support for the PWM Servo library
- Added Arduino Pro Micro support
- Significantly reduced memory usage by all of the components
- Improved Elegoo Robot Shield
- Improved floating point property editors
- Improved Binary Decoder component
- Improved ESP8266/ESP32 compatibility for the AK8963 Compass, MPU6050, and MPU9250
- Improved ESP8266 Serial Port support
- Improved ESP32 WiFi support
- Improved Controllino RTC support
- Improved PCF8563 support
- Improved Sequence component
- Improved RS485 support
- Improved Adafruit Trinket M0 support
Improved live help in the Visuino Pro version available in the G+ Community
Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:

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