Just released Visuino and Visuino Pro version 8_0_0_80
- Significantly improved IDE Performance!
- Added Adafruit I2C and SPI LCD Backpack components
- Added Adafruit I2C 5 Buttons Keypad LCD/RGB LCD Display Shield support
- Added Microchip MCP3422, MCP3423, MCP3424, MCP3426, MCP3427, and MCP3428 I2C ADC components
- Added Microchip MCP23009, and MCP23018 I2C GPIO components
- Added Microchip MCP230S08, MCP230S09, MCP230S17, and MCP230S18 SPI GPIO components
- Added PCA9674, PCA9674A, and PCA9675 I2C GPIO components
- Added PLC-X AI ADC (I2C) Module support
- Added PLC-X DIO GPIO (I2C) Module support
- Added PLC-X DIO 1.4 support
- Added PLC-X IOT (ESP32) support
- Added PLC-X RpiControl support
- Added LC Technology ESP8266 4 Channel WiFi Relay board support
- Added LC Technology ESP8266 8 Channel WiFi Relay board support
- Added Leonardo TinyLab Board support
- Added Texas Instrument Thermometer LM75(I2C) component
- Added Interrupt support for the ATmega32U4 based boards
- Added DeleteOneInputPin to the Char To Text component
- Added SPI Speed to Analog Devices ADXL345 Accelerometer(SPI)
- Redesigned GPIO to reduce memory usage in the generated code!
- Improved M5Stack Core support
- Improved Sequence Repeat functionality

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