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Lamp dimmer
And lamp, of course. That's what it's used for.
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Woods 32555 Outdoor Remote Control Outlet Converter Kit
Available at http://www.amazon.com/Woods-32555-Outdoor-Control-Converter/dp/B001Q9EFUK/ref=pd_ybh_15. You just need the standard, not the 3 outlet and light sensor one.
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Kaicong SIP1602 IP camera
I already had one in my room. Available at http://www.amazon.com/KaiCong-Sip1602-Detection-Network-Viewing/dp/B009GYSJI6/ref=pd_ybh_2. I bet some Tenvis models would work as well.
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3.5mm stereo male-to-male cable
This isn't the one I used, but there's one that will work at http://www.amazon.com/Parts-Express-3-5mm-Stereo-Cable/dp/B0002ZPJZO/ref=pd_ybh_6
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RC car
One of those $20 "off-road" monster-truck ones is the best, because you can slide the blind stick right between the spokes. I looked on Amazon and couldn't easily find one. (Whatever you get, the car itself needs to take 4 AA's or AAA's, since the USB plug that you'll be adding later supplies about 5 volts.)
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Dream Cheeky Mail Notifier
Available at http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Cheeky-815-WebMail-Notifier/dp/B001L23EZO/ref=pd_ybh_18
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Some EL wire
'Cause it looks cool. Completely optional.
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CD/DVD drives
I had them lying around, so I decided opening and closing them from the interwebs would be cool. These can be found for less than a dollar on eBay.
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Random pole
Any sort of stick or dowel would do.
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Lots of tape
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The IP Cam Controller app
It costs $2, but you can just get the trial. There are similar apps for other devices. Available at http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/ip-cam-controller/da3833a2-ca4c-e011-854c-00237de2db9e
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I already had an old, broken one that I refurbished.
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It doesn't have to be dedicated to automation or anything.
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Powered USB hub
Don't take it all out on your PC. For me, this one had to be powered because I already had a bunch of other USB devices (unrelated to this project) sucking up current. If you're not trying to put USB ports on the other side of the room like I was, you should be fine with another unpowered one.
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Floppy drive
Why not? I had one lying around.
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(4-port) Unpowered USB hub
Scrounged around the house, optimizing USB ports and unplugging things. Ended up with 3 hubs' worth of spare USB ports.
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Parallax Continuous Rotation Servo (not high-speed)
I used one of these that I had in my bin o' stuff (you don't want the high speed ones): http://www.parallax.com/product/900-00008
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External speaker
Not Bluetooth. Mono is fine. Mine was no plastic casing or 3.5mm jack, just a speaker with two wires coming out that I salvaged from something- I don't remember what.
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Wall-to-USB adapters, or...
You can find these for under $2 if you know where to look. I looked in our bin of old devices and did what's described in this HaD post: http://hackaday.com/2014/03/12/usb-ify-your-old-cell-phone-chargers/
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5-port DIY USB power strip
Relevant HaD article: http://hackaday.com/2013/02/22/build-your-own-dumb-usb-power-strip/
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Surge strip
Again, these were lying around the house.
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Some sort of framework to put all of this stuff onto
I used a stool.
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Miscellaneous USB cords from unneeded devices
I had some broken USB devices to chop the cords off of.
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Bright white LED
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MaKey MaKey
A driver nightmare. I got one for Christmas and flashed the Arduino bootloader onto it. Any Arduino will do, though.
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Stapler & staples
Again, had this.
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I had some miscellaneous screws from stuff that I've taken apart and put back together- minus one screw.
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Some devices that plug into wall sockets to automate
For me this was an air cleaner and a humidifier.
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Some wire (preferably solid-core)
If you're on here, you probably have this already.
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3.5mm stereo audio jack
Available at http://www.amazon.com/3-5mm-Stereo-Panel-Mount-Jack/dp/B000ML4A2Q/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1406422780&sr=8-11&keywords=3.5mm+stereo+audio+jack
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Radioshack project enclosure
(IF YOU HAVE A STANDARD-SIZED ARDUINO IT WON'T FIT, DON'T BOTHER BUYING THIS) I had one of these lying around. Available at https://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062283
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Soldering iron, solder, etc.
I already had, and still have, a soldering iron. Chances are if you're on this site, you have one too, and know how to use it.
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Broken USB missile launcher
I found this in one of the many piles of random stuff we have. Here's one online: http://www.amazon.com/Dream-Cheeky-USB-427-Circus-Cannon/dp/B000LQZV0M/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1406437751&sr=1-3&keywords=dream+cheeky+usb+missile+launcher
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5V relay
Also had these in my parts drawer.
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Wire with alligator clips on both sides
This came from the MaKey MaKey kit, but I was using normal wires for that, so I took one of these.