
OnoESC 32-bit 30A ESC

The OnoESC is a 32-bit 30A 3S sensor-less brush-less motor controller that is Arduino Zero compatible.

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I was searching for a low-cost opensource quad-copter-style ESC for a while and none turned up, so I decided this could be a good project to start.

If you may be interested in purchasing one of these one day, please let me know here

Current specs:

  • Atmel ARM M0+ 48MHz microcontroller (ATSAMD21G18A-AU)
  • 30 amps continous, >80 amps peak (TPN3R704PLL1QCT-ND) (probably over-kill)
  • Proper bridge drivers (LM5109BSD/NOPB) (may switch)
  • 2 to 3S (6.6V to 12.6V)
  • Current monitoring (with the ACS711KEXLT-31AB-T)
  • Various control methods; PWM, I2C, Serial, USB, OneShot
  • ~$10 BOM @1000
  • 3.3V DC-DC converter
  • 20mm x 43mm PCB

  • 1 × ATSAMD21G18A-AU Atmel ARM M0+ 48MHz microcontroller
  • 6 × TPN3R704PL,L1Q MOSFETs
  • 3 × LM5109BSD/NOPB Gate Driver
  • 1 × ACS711KEXLT-31AB-T Current Sensor (Hall)

  • OnoESC Case Mock-up

    Colton Black05/11/2017 at 20:36 0 comments

    I did a mock-up of a potential case design.

    I also made some small changes to the design such as a cutout USB connector (for ruggedness and smaller vertical profile) and the addition of a NTC thermistor next to the FETs.

  • OnoESC Reflowed

    Colton Black04/28/2017 at 20:44 0 comments

    Finally got my Digi-key order, populated and reflowed the board today. Now time for testing.

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mehrdad wrote 04/29/2018 at 11:21 point

Hi, very nice project buddy, actually I intend to made modular ESC in way that controller + gate driver is separated from Mosfets pcb , hence I could increase module ampere by adding parallel Mosfet in the Mosfets pcb, I really appreciated to have your advise or if you know open HW/SW sources let me know

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Gravis wrote 03/06/2018 at 18:49 point

I really like this project but I am curious, why did you include such a beefy MCU?  It has a huge amount of FLASH and RAM.

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