
CYMA (TM) V6 Gearbox CAD files Released

A project log for Production of Airsoft CAD files for community use

AIM: to design accurate cad files of all popular AEG gear boxes and part to allow for easy design of shells for custom made airsoft guns

taibhse-designsTAIBHSE DESIGNS 07/22/2017 at 22:253 Comments

To start this project, I am releasing complete CAD files for a V6 airsoft gearbox compliant as best as I can achieve with the outer dimensions of a CYMA V6 gearbox which itself is a clone of the Tokyo Marui V6 gearbox.

The V6 CAD files do not contain minute details nor internal gears, spring or piston, only the outer dimesions of the shell, nozzle and trigger mechanisms and motor have been modeled. This is to allow for the CAD files to be used for designing a custom AEG from scratch with the capability of using a drop in V6 gearbox bought online. Any AEG cad files build around this model when 3d printed or cnc fabricated, should work with most drop in V6 gearboxes on the market.


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Robin Seifert wrote 05/07/2021 at 17:55 point

Anyone know if there is a more complete version of this... trying to design replacement parts as they are very difficult to find.

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maycontuliofs wrote 08/25/2020 at 23:31 point


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chanceo489 wrote 12/24/2018 at 15:30 point

you sir are a good person and just saved me a lot of time in my ambitious project, hats off to you. 

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