Preliminary Testing
08/20/2014 at 12:09 • 1 commentTesting the movement resolution with the current linear threads obtained from the CD-Rom drives. Have decided to order 254 tpi adjustment screws which should offer much better resolution since currently the linear threads are around 2 to 4 tpi. These will allow for sub micron positioning possibly even reaching the nano scale without the use of the piezo tranlation stage which should then take over.
Ordering the Business End
08/20/2014 at 04:30 • 0 commentsOrdered an Akiyama Probe that is a self exciting probe which will not require the use of a light system in order to get the surface structure data. This will relate the surface structure data since the probe will be oscillating at a set frequency and by means of a PLL any shift in phase caused by the interaction with the surface structure will be recorded.
More details about akiyama probes can be found at:-
Disassembling CD-Rom drives
08/20/2014 at 04:15 • 0 commentsDisassembled 3 old CD-Roms I collected from the scrap in order to source linear threaded shafts that can be used for the x, y and z translations in the AFM. Combined with the steppers that have a large gear ratio and low degree of rotation per step this should provide decent resolution.
Parts start arriving
08/18/2014 at 10:27 • 0 commentsThe stepper motors for the coarse movement of the x, y and z axis have arrived from omcstepperonline. Can't wait for the rest of the parts to arrive.