
MIDI Stomp Box

An easy to build, simple to use stomp box for musicians using computerized effects for their electric/electronic instruments.

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A USB MIDI foot controller currently based on an Arduino Uno. It has 10 momentary switches that toggle the state of a midi channel to turn on and off effects.

Currently as is I can successfully use this device to toggle on and off MIDI channels. The overall goal is much greater with the ability to program song bank configurations. Initialize the effects when a song bank is chosen, and to use it as a controller for recording for punching in and out of songs.

While it currently is based on an Ardino Uno, the goal is to create it's own PCB based on the atmega2560 chip. Allowing for toggle state LEDs, 2 USB interfaces. One for connecting to the computer, and the other to reprogram the board so it can be hacked. Use of analog pins for "expression" pedals, and MIDI IN and THROUGH ports to connect with legacy devices.

  • Back at it.

    theNetImp01/11/2018 at 16:28 0 comments

    Last I left off there was some concerns I had with how I was doing some things and how the device would interact with the Mainstage Software.  I was hoping there was a way for the device to poll the software to get the state of things that buttons were mapped to.  It seems that there is not.   That is ok, with that concern behind me, and myself actually having some time, and renewed interest in the project I think I am going to bring it to finish fairly quickly.   I've been writing the sketch over the last couple days.  I need to figure out if the Arduino Uno will be sufficient or if I need to update to the mega.  I'll be adding an LCD as well.

    The plan now is to have 8 banks of 8 buttons, 1 button to initialize a bank change, that leaves an extra button that I need to decide how I am going to use.  I had an idea prior, but forgot what that was.  Oh well.   More soon.

  • Long overdue update

    theNetImp03/12/2015 at 18:10 0 comments

    Well it's been a while since I've done any real work on this project. One of the things I am wanting to do is create a dedicated board for this that can be produced. What I am failing at doing is getting a circuit built that will take the Hiduino code. I had started with Atmega32u4 chip because I could get that locally in Akihabara. The hex file from Hiduino is targeted for the 16u2, so I bought a few of those from Digikey and tried to get that to work. That did not work. I have tried the circuits on the datasheet, I have tried a segment of the circuit from the arduino uno rev3 schematic. I am beginning to think it is the chip holder I got on ebay. I am going to search Akihabara for a board that I can solder this too and then give that a try. Probably late next week.

    Until then I am going to start working on programming how I want it to work. I have a better idea of what I want 1.0 to be like. Currently it's working on an Uno, and I think I will keep the Uno for now. Going to integrate 5 pots for tweaking whatever anyone wants to tweak.

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theNetImp wrote 12/02/2014 at 15:32 point
This is actually pretty simple. You use the Aruidno MIDI library to control the midi device and then you use the Hiduino library to turn the arduino into a HID MIDI device.

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Daniel Ayosa wrote 11/25/2014 at 15:48 point
Podrias postear el sketch que se carga en el Arduino?

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