
We have a visionary thinker

A project log for Quamera Gen 2

Stereoscopic machine vision with integrated depth information

mark-mullinMark Mullin 07/26/2017 at 17:332 Comments

I met Kris Kitchen when I first got involved in Google's Project Tango, and was always impressed with his ability to see the technological forest through the implementation trees.  I am very happy to report he's joined the project as its official visionary, so he can poke me with things I never think about when I'm down in the weeds!   Welcome, Kris.


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Mark Mullin wrote 07/26/2017 at 18:32 point

Likewise Kris, likewise!

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Wizardofoddz wrote 07/26/2017 at 17:35 point

Glad we met!

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