
10-axis Flex Module

Flex Module for use on flexible PCB and breadboard.

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Initial version in 2.54mm castellation. 9-axis gyro and barometer (10-axis). We have retired this design and will be concentrating on our new 12-axis Flex Module.

Position and movement sensor Flex Module.

Provides complete position information through I2C bus. Arduino, etc. compatible. Requires pull-up resistors (included on STM32F401 Flex Module). FSYNC and INT pins of the MPU-9250 are also exposed.


We have retired this design and will be concentrating on our new 12-axis Flex Module.

  • 1 × MPU-9250
  • 1 × BMP180

  • Swapping components (ie. redesigning everything)

    Chris Hamilton12/09/2014 at 13:51 0 comments

    I have had some issues with yield with the MPU-9250 footprint. That and its cost are just a big turn off. I will be redesigning for the ST LSM9DS1 which is much lower cost and has a simpler footprint. In addition the BME280 is finally starting to come out. I am leaning to calling it a 12-axis sensor now as the BME280 does technically output temperature, pressure, and humidity.

  • Fixes in new revision

    Chris Hamilton08/21/2014 at 08:16 0 comments

    The BMP180 pattern was wrongly dimensioned and the MPU-9250 has thermal vias.

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