
Model Railway control over the interwebz

A project log for Broke Hackers' Model Railway

Cheap, fully automated model train system with 99.9999% 3D printed parts.

szabolcs-lrinczSzabolcs Lőrincz 08/20/2014 at 15:350 Comments

Now that the circuit is complete, let's see the controls. The model railway is connected, meaning you can control it from anywhere from any device with a browser. All you need is a RaspberryPi and internet access. The Raspberry runs Apache2 with the control panel, and it communicates with the master station through UART. Then the masters sends out the commands for the slave devices through TWPC. You can control every device with one click.Looks like the electronics is almost done, here are some picures of the results so far:

Everything is available on my website or GitHub as always.
