Gerber PCB Layout files posted
08/18/2014 at 01:50 • 0 commentsI've posted a .zip file with the Gerber PCB Layout. These were generated directly from the CAD program I used for the circuit design (Target3000).
Added UI Scripts
08/14/2014 at 09:36 • 0 commentsI've posted the scripts used to generate the anti-aliased text used in the User Interface. The first is a Photoshop script, CreateFontData.jsx. This makes a set of PNG files, one for each character. The second is ConvertText.py, a Python script that takes the output of CreateFontData and generates C code for display the characters on the Epson LCD used in the project.
Note these scripts have some hard-coded pathnames in them (to the development folder) but this is pretty easy to find and modify.
Another update - Details truncated?
08/10/2014 at 05:22 • 1 commentI tried transferring much of the content from my original design document to the HaD site; even going so far as to re-do some of the graphics to match. But...it appears HaD truncates the documents after a set length, so most of my effort is hidden?
Sending email to the HaD folks about this.
More documentation updates
08/09/2014 at 07:19 • 0 commentsAdded to the BOM, embedded the demo video, and added more documentation.
More documentation updates
08/06/2014 at 08:12 • 0 commentsAdded a link to the source code; also added a project block diagram.
YouTube video added
08/05/2014 at 08:08 • 0 commentsYou can watch the controller in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pajzE3BQ_Yw