
8.19.14 CC8520 Breakout

A project log for HQ Wireless Audio

I don't want to pay $200, when i can pay $250 and learn something. Wireless audio by someone who doesn't know anything about it.

zacnoteszacnotes 08/19/2014 at 15:080 Comments

Found out that I don't have the means to produce a PCB footprint that is sufficient for this chip at home. I am currently using the toner transfer method. It might be possible to have it printed at a kinko's or something to produce fine enough traces, but then I am also unsure about whether it will etch properly. I contemplated printing it any way (the pads run together a bit) and then cutting between the pads with an exacto, but I have opted to attempt to solder individual wires to the pads. See new picture for progress. I may scrap that whole method and just have some boards printed up after going over my design with a fine tooth comb. We'll see.
