Programming an ATtiny85
I made an Arduino shield for programming ATtiny85's. I'm programming them by loading the Arduino ISP example and compiling/pushing with an Arduino as ISP programmer from the Arduino IDE. A instrucables project that looks similar to the one I used is here: My shield doesn't look exactly like the instructables as it was based on an instructable that is no longer available.
Working with NES controllers
After seeing that I was getting false positives from the knockoff NES controller I build a NES controller adapter so that I could test controllers without soldering in connectors or modifying the controller in any way. I started by opening up an old Nintendo and was pleased to find that the controller was just wired up to a connector.
I was able to disconnect this without damaging the plug at all and used female d-sub connectors on an adapter board to make a connector for the Arduino.
This pinout reflects postings from this forum link,8481.0.html