
8-22-14 On the Road Documentation

A project log for Wi-Fi Controlled Open Scoreboard

A open design for a portable scoreboard that can be controlled over Wi-Fi, and integrated into event management software.

christopher-kratzChristopher Kratz 08/23/2014 at 01:140 Comments

Just added a word document of project specifications to the GitHub. This is meant to be a governing document for the project. It's organize as an indented list such that as the project progresses additional information can be added under each item. This will provide a summarized collection of design decisions and specifications, as well as place to keep detailed information and calculations.  

I'm currently bouncing around in the back of a minivan on my way to Indiana, and although I want to work on PCB stuff, I found it nearly impossible to work KiCad with the touchpad. So I decided to work on documentation instead. This was a MS Word document, but I think OpenOffice can open docx files, so I think this is open. Let me know if you want it in a different format.
