
8-26-14 Lunchbreak

A project log for Wi-Fi Controlled Open Scoreboard

A open design for a portable scoreboard that can be controlled over Wi-Fi, and integrated into event management software.

christopher-kratzChristopher Kratz 08/26/2014 at 18:120 Comments

Well I managed to battle my way through KiCad and got the 3.3v power board out to Oshpark.  I'm doing about 4 modular boards to ease testing and risk since I'm not very experienced.  However I did learn that I was already out of the running for the prize.  So bummer on that. I guess I'll see if I can make my project better than some of those out of good old fashion spite. Oh well, on to the next board, got to get the prototype going so I can start programming. Wrestling season is right around the corner of I actually want to use this thing.


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