Some python-code that converts a BMP-picture into the 4-pixels-per-byte code of the display. In addition, the .bmp with the font shown in the YT clip and a python-tool to convert the letter-BMP into the letter-data-structure for the arduino code.

Zip Archive - 3.44 kB - 06/02/2017 at 20:27



The Arduino code. There are no .cpp or .h files right now, but I really should split off functions into a library that deals with data-reception and one that does the running text.

x-arduino - 25.77 kB - 06/02/2017 at 20:26


The Kicad schematics for the Driver board and the LED matrix split into a left and a right part.

Zip Archive - 62.19 kB - 06/02/2017 at 20:25


The website based on HTML / JS to control the display. The webpage creates tone sequences that code the data from the drawn picture / written text which (when the BT-speaker of the display is paired) are interpreted by the display.

Zip Archive - 59.17 kB - 06/02/2017 at 20:23
