Modular Designs
05/13/2018 at 12:15 • 0 commentsSo the thing that has been really keeping me back on working on this project is actually knowing what I really want it to be.... Do I want it to be a MIDI Keyboard? A synth? A controller for a DAW? everything and more?
This has prevented me from designing the front panel and hence wiring everything up...I've come to the conclusion that it can be all of the things I want, but I just need to add functions one piece at a time.
I've Decided to build the project up one section at a time. It is based on a 150mm*300mm*100(w*d*h) Makerbeam frame. The units will move from left to right along the frame, with additional frames being added when needed. Each 'Unit' will communicate with the Brain via a common I2C bus, except for the Power/Comms Unit.
The Synth will begin with the following 'units':
*Synth Brain Unit-Teensy 3.6 with Teensy Audio Board with 2.8" SPI( Colour LCD, D-Pad and 2 Rotary Encoders.
*Comms/Power Unit-Handles USB Comms in, Middle In, Midi Out, and Midi Thru and has RCA Audio Out and 3.5mm Audio in.
*Slider Unit-4 Linear Potentiometers connected via PCF8591. Additional Feature could be added using the DAC of the PCF8591.
*Knob Unit-4 Rotary Potentiometers connected via PCF8591. Additional Feature could be added using the DAC of the PCF8591.
*Button Board-6 Pushbuttons connected via MCP23008 GPIO Expander Modules
*Adafruit Trellis Button Pad Unit-Featuring 2 \Adafruit Trellis Button Pads. -
And we're Back!
05/13/2018 at 11:50 • 0 commentsSo this project has been on hold for the last year or so! Apologies!
I've recently gained a bit more time, and have put some effort into this project.
Having gotten myself addicted to Makerbeam, I have decided to build the project on a makerbeam frame. It will now be modular, with individual modules being added via a series of lasercut panels.
If you're in Hobart Tasmania, I'll be cutting them at my new home away from home, Hobart Makers. Pop along and say hi on one our Tuesday open nights. More info here: https://www.facebook.com/HobartMakers/ -
Teensy Resources
05/31/2017 at 05:49 • 0 comments -
No Point Re-inventing the Wheel...
05/31/2017 at 05:30 • 0 commentsThis project is not revolutionary. Many people have built synths based around the Teensy boards. This project will build upon the work of others to come up with a solution that meets my own needs.
So the saga begins...
05/30/2017 at 10:44 • 0 commentsDecided I want to make a cool Teensy 3.6 based polyphonic synth. Great opportunity to put in my first order direct from Adafruit. It'll be interesting to see how long the stuff takes to get from state-side to Aus.
Teensy 3.6 - https://www.adafruit.com/product/3266
Teensy Audio Adapter Board - https://www.adafruit.com/product/178
Trellis Monochrome Button PCB Driver Board -https://www.adafruit.com/product/1616
Trellis silicon button pad-https://www.adafruit.com/product/1616