
r32 - yet another VHDL CPU

32 bit (hopefully) CPU with memory hierarchy

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In my last project involving an FPGA (uCPU), I quickly noticed several limitations in the design I had developed—inadequate memory, low register count and limited branch/jump distance. I've solved the last two of these limitations with my 32-bit CPU I built in Logisim, but the first was a problem. The FPGA development board I have (miniSpartan6+) has an on-board 256Mbit SDRAM chip, which would give me a useable amount of memory. However, because it is an SDRAM, the chip's interface is radically different from a simple SRAM, so I knew that I'd have to build a controller to interface the CPU with main memory, and that was too much of a challenge to tackle at the time I was developing uCPU. Now, after a good amount of reading about SDRAM, I'm ready to take on the challenge of writing an SDRAM controller, and hopefully fitting that as well as a 32-bit (I may have to switch to 16-bit for space reasons) CPU core onto my FPGA.

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Ed S wrote 07/19/2017 at 18:07 point

Project looks interesting - is it MIPS-compatible, or MIPS-like?

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Reed Foster wrote 01/05/2018 at 17:51 point

Presently, it's MIPS-like; there are a few instructions that MIPS doesn't support that I added, but it wouldn't be too difficult to change it.

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Ed S wrote 01/05/2018 at 20:08 point

Thanks! I can't remember now why I asked... possibly because having compiler support for free is always very nice.

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