I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it my self. Hand soldering a 0201. A miserable young whelp of an Electronics Technician. Proved me wrong. Photographic proof submitted to boot:

He did use a microscope. And a JBC station with a 0.2mm tip. But still, it can be done. Misery upon us all who don't have young eyes and steady hands.
I've been thinking about scoring.
+ 50 points for attempting this project (or being foolish).
+ 10 points for getting one LED to blink (you got the Attiny in correctly and can tell the polarity of an LED).
+ 5 for the 0805 lighting up (Give me a break, it is not much smaller than a 1206).
+ 10 for the 0603 (so you have an unfortunate set of tweezers on hand).
+ 10 for the 0402 (alright, we getting serious up in here).
+ 15 for the 0201 (you got lucky, punk).
- 5 for using a microscope unless you are over 50.
- 10 for using a paste and a mask (hey it works, but you cheated).
By this method, my young unfortunate friend scored a 95.
And I have scored an 85 and 90. Yes, I used a mask, but I need to prove the circuit and code worked, right?
So, to break the record, submit miserable proof of all LEDs blinking, without a mask, and without a microscope, unless you are unfortunate to be over 50 years of age.
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I believe my attempt ticks all the boxes, although the methodology may be a bit unconventional:
You never said the LEDs had to be installed in the right order! Hah!
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silly you :D great job!
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Are you practicing for the badge hacking contest? Are you going to dead bug the OLED screen this year?
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Gotta do some bodging every day! Not sure re HaD SC17 badge, it's a beautiful board. I've got a few schemey ideas, some of which involve copious amounts of hot air. You?
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Unsure how deep I'll be able to dig in the badge hacking this year. Likely won't make it down until late Friday. We'll see how much I'm freaking out about a huge project launching days after the conf.
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That is a fine bit of work! And about as miserable as it can get!
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