What kinds of hardware should Wobble Wobble use?
08/19/2014 at 22:00 • 0 commentsI am using an accelerometer in my prototype, so I know I want to have that. A gyroscope is used for position, so maybe that is nice to have, but not necessary. A magnetometer....drool....I would just like to have one to play with.
How does Wobble Wobble talk?
08/19/2014 at 21:57 • 0 commentsPlease: no comments yet, I plan to edit this.
I am not sure if I want my connected game controller to communicate with the game itself or with the Virtual or Augmented reality headset. I need to research the SDKs of Google cardboard, CastAR and Oculus Rift.
Looking at communication systems
08/19/2014 at 21:55 • 0 commentsWell- I want to access the SDKs of various headsets and game engines. I know I can access the Unity game engine and it will communicate with my phone's accelerometer, gyroscope and camera via pipeline Unity Remote.
But- now I want to make my own hardware so I need a way to communicate wirelessly.
Wifi, Bluetooth, Android adb.
Some software
08/18/2014 at 18:04 • 0 commentsHere is a link https://github.com/Sophi/Wobble to preliminary software that links the accelerometer to the travel speed.