CODE FOR RECEIVER (super simple)
#include <Servo.h>
int pin = 6;
int servoPin = 9;
Servo myservo;
void setup()
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
void loop()
int r = digitalRead(pin);
if( r == 0 )
myservo.write(40); //adjust this number to change the open position
} else {
myservo.write(1); //retract the servo
Drone fishing is unique and in a lot of ways very similar to balloon and kite fishing. With these fishing styles they all utilise a rig and bait delivery method rather than a casting action. Each of these fishing styles enables the delivery of the rig and bait out to distances of up to 500 metres. At these distances the angler can target much deeper water and larger fish, but as appealing as this is to many – it in turn creates a whole new set of challenges. This blog will take you through setting up the best drone fishing rig and the best drone fishing snapper rig.
But one question arises, What fishing reels are best suited to drone fishing? In my opinion Overhead and spinning reels can be used dependent upon whether the rod is designed for each type of fishing reel and have drag ratings of between 15kg – 40kg. Importantly they must have adequate spool capacities of between 500-700 metres – dependent on the line used and line diameter. You may also choose your favorite fishing gears for drone fishing from here