ESP8266 client to send/ receive data
06/28/2017 at 23:42 • 0 commentsThere's a sensor sending data to the ESP8266. That data needs to be transmitted to a web server, process that data, and make a visualization based on that data.
Step 1: set up the ESP client software
Step 2: set up the node.js server software
Step 3: marry the client code with the sensor code
Public IP: Google what's my public IP and it will be first result
Private IP: on Mac, it is in Network Settings, right at the top
BlimpLi controller rev 1
06/17/2017 at 18:51 • 0 commentsThis is a platform where multiple things talk over WiFi to a central server. One of the things I'll use this for is a blimp obstacle course. The other thing I'll use this for is to collect 20 people's heartbeats and use that data in a visualization.
BlimpLi controller PCB will measure approximately 110mm x 35mm and have 4 circuit modules.
- WiFi communications using ESP8266
- Voltage regulator: VBatt (4.2V -3.7V) to 3.3V
- Motor driver circuit for 3 motors 3.3V, 20mA
- Battery charging circuit
Rev 1 will be built in 2 pieces to make troubleshooting easier: 1) ESP8266, VReg, battery input and 2) Motor driver, battery charging
ESP8266 design notes::
- ESP-12S with 9 GPIO
- Analog ADC 10-bit, 1V max value, use to measure battery power. Will not work while transmitting.
- Understand startup modes (programming, normal, Flash)
- Power, needs 3.3V to operate and draws max. 170mA
- GPIO 6 - GPIO 11 not available, all others can be configured as input or outputs
- Program over serial with TX, RX, VCC, GND
- I think level shifting should be on my FTDI cable?
- Startup, all pins are INPUTS
- Normal run mode: RESET 3.3V, GPIO 0 HIGH, GPIO 2 HIGH, GPIO 15 LOW
- Programming mode: GPIO 0 LOW, GPIO 2 HIGH, GPIO 15 LOW
- Need switch on GPIO 0
IO list::
- Motor 1
- Motor 2
- Motor 3
- LED 1
- LED 2
- Proximity sensor
- Battery voltage
- Thermal pad on ESP-12S does not appear anywhere on footprints around the web. Not sure if it is needed, but this thread discusses the pad on the ESP32.